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•Do Not Wax ,Tweeze or Thread your brows prior to your service appointment. Your skin will be more sensitive during your session & will become irtated . 

•No Botox , Chemical Peels, Microneedling, or Facials that include the exfoliation or resurfacing treatment to the skin at least 3 weeks prior to your service appointment.
•No Alcohol , No Coffee the day of & 2-3 days prior to your service appointment. They are both considered blood thinners and can also interfere with the proper implantation of pigment. 
•Medication to avoid taking 2-3 days prior to your appointment: Asprin , ibuprofen, anti depressants , muscle relaxers , and blood thinners . Always consult your Doctor prior to stopping any medication.
 â€¢If you are diabetic & your diabetes is not under control or has not been unfortunately we will have to reschedule to another time when it is . 
•Pregnant or Breastfeeding - there isn’t many studies of permanent makeup hurting a fetus/baby but while pregnant your skin takes longer to heal and due to hormones while pregnant & or breast feeding permanent pigment can change within your skin. Because of this we do not recommend this service while pregnant or breastfeeding .
•Underage - If you are under the Age of 18 you can not be tattooed and permanent make up can not be applied to your skin due to California Law . 

Get in Touch

The Little Shop Of Ink 



12179 California st, Yucaipa CA, 92399




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Contact Us

Shop Number : (909) 568 - 5809

Contact The Owner Kristina Murphy : (909) 441 - 0114

Thank you for choosing our business 

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